February 2023 Horoscope

February is your best month to shine in Your career and love life. Your attitude Is positive. You can handle the challenges Coming your way. February 20th, the New Moon, you will have a clearer picture. What you want from the Universe.

April 21– May 21
New opportunities arise to show off your Leadership abilities. Romance-wise you have A few tights spots to work through. The New Moon, February 20, favors Candid discussions with your work peers.

May 22 – June 21
Career-wise don’t take on more than you can Handle. You are ready to embrace a new way of doing things. Exciting opportunities arrive as you allow your intuition to lead the way. Valentine’s day you social life picks up as you Celebrate with a loved one.

June 22 – July 22

You are full of self confidence this month as you Forge ahead with career goals. Time to take c/o Of your health and energy levels by drinking more Water and walking more. New professional Opportunities arrive through travel and networking.

July 23 – August 22
Tread carefully in relationships and partnerships And try to find common ground. It’s a time to lay A new foundation for a long-term plan or creative Collaboration. The Pisces Full Moon, February 20, Highlights your finances.

August 23 -September 22
A time to recharge your batteries, and showcase. the love and warmth between you and your partner. A busy time career wise, good news happens about your work accomplishments. The New Moon on the 20 ushers in a positive Vibration to your love partnership.

September 23– October 22
You see the results of your hard work and effort. Keep to your busy daily schedule the first half of The month and the second, concentrate more on Your personal activities. A work related social Get together sparks your interest and gives you and your colleagues a boost in team spirit morale.

October 23– November 21
You want to make more money and decide To make this happen. Its nose to the grindstone Time. Clarify confusing information for a family Member around the 17th. Travel beckons at the Month’s end. You and your partner will enjoy private intimate moments.

November 22 – December 21
It’s a busy time as you visit old projects, and Your work schedule fills up. You will need to keep On top of things to succeed. Career-wise you have New responsibilities and changes in your field. Take c/o of your health by pacing yourself, And eating healthy foods.

December 22 – January 20
You are showing the world your best self. February is all about showcasing your talent, As it will have a very beneficial outcome. Romance-wise, singles should be open to The possibility of meeting someone new. Workout to increase your energy.

January 21 – February 19
Changes up ahead in many areas of your life. You Are lucky financially in the first half of the month, And the second half of February unexpected expenses Turn up. Pay your bills on time. Carve out time to Re-charge your batteries.

It’s a quiet undemanding month and a good time To network and free yourself from past obligations And debts. Relationship-wise it is vital to listen to One another and develop a new understanding. Month’s end your energy will improve.