May 2017 Horoscope

March 21 – April 19
You are on a winning streak this May, and achieve a lot. Don’t take on too much at work and focus on what’s at hand. Others support your endeavors. For single Arians wanting to commit this is the time to have this talk. Mercury turns direct on May 3rd, you’ll be ready to get moving again. This is good but don’t leap before you look.

April 20 – May 20th
With the Sun passing through your sign and your solar first house, you are the ‘star,’ of your own life this month. Everyone seeks your company. Be bold and ask for what you want. Romance is highlighted May 9th, the full Moon. Ask for a raise on May 27th your ‘lucky day,’ or bonus or promotion. Memorial weekend sees you enjoying a mini-vacation.

May 21 – June 20
New options open up in your career. This intensifies your ambition but until the Sun enters Gemini on May 20th you need to step back, do some soul searching before you make any promises. Saturn turns direct in August and only then will partners be on the same page. Love-wise a friend my appeal to you far more than friendship, wait until month’s end to say anything.

June 21 – July 22
On May 3rd Mercury turns direct – which means that everything you’ve been waiting for career-wise is finally going to happen. You could land the ‘deal,’ or job of your dreams. Be patient as a few details have to worked out, so sit tight and enjoy the warm weather of the Summer. This May you make a good impression all around. Get out socially and professionally. Explore new places.

July 23 – August 22
This month accents the importance of following through and sticking to your work schedule. Take time to unravel difficult issues. As you do so you will communicate better with your superiors. May 24th is the best day to schedule an appointment with the boss to ask for a raise. Socially speaking May is a busy month but take time to wind down by Memorial weekend to enjoy quality leisure with family and friends.

August 23 – September 22
A loved one who lives far away and you will become closer. If you can manage it yourself, a surprise trip is in order. Or if you have family, plan a get-away between May 9th and May 31st. Career-wise the New Moon, May 25th is a time to make your name and skills known to higher-ups. You will be surprised and rewarded accordingly.

September 23 – October 22
If there is something risky you want to try, the dates would be May 11 and May 12. These days will provide you with a safety net. Mid-month old friends and voices you haven’t heard in a long time will resurface. Are these old loves over you? Don’t encourage them if you are not serious. Now’s the time for single Librans to take a chance on love with someone new, while married ones should bask in marital bliss.

October 23 – November 21
Mercury’s going forward on May 3rd clears the air. This is the period to focus a bit more thoughtfully on your conversations with those that matter the most. Ups and downs emotionally will highlight this month but a new understanding on May 25th will pave the way to a new work agreement at the end of the month.. Fresh flowers at the office or home bring in new luck. Try a new exercise program to keep fit.

November 22 – December 21
This is the time to deflect others irritating behavior and channel your energy into creative projects. Some amazing opportunities now come your way the second half of May. You attract attention. You form brilliant new contacts. At last the future is brightening financially. The new Moon on May 25th is a day to get out and mingle- big time. If you’re happily attached, entertaining new friends you both enjoy, is rewarding.

December 22 – January 19
New career opportunities come your way but do not become over confident and full of yourself, instead zero in on work opportunities, only if they are promising. Casual work conversations interest you. Topics that co-workers bring up are significant and prove valuable in the future. May 19th is a good day to get your views across. Love-wise exciting times ahead and a chance of true happiness.

January 20 – February 18
May is a time to be out and about with some fascinating new acquaintances. Have fun but don’t forget your tried and true loves one, who still take up so much of your time. Watch your spending and try and be self-disciplined. The Full Moon May 10th is a highly emotional day so don’t create drama to attract attention. Walk away. Your brilliant new ideas on the 20th catch the public eye. Opportunities to broaden your horizons lead the way to new success.

February 19 – March 20
Bring you plans down to earth and reach out to those that can help you. With Mercury turning direct you can reach your goals. Don’t be in a rush, and worry as most obstacles are removed at the end of May. Reign in your spending on May 19th as you will need that money for unexpected expenditures in June. Major trends have you redecorating or making much needed household repairs. May 25th, the new Moon ushers in a more prosperous time.