October 2018 Horoscope

March 21 – April 20
An encouraging month for you. All your recent hard work will pay off. Your career and financial goals are now within your reach. Close relationships are also in the picture. Tune in and make plans to draw you and others closer.

April 20 – May 21
You feel very powerful this October. Your physical energy is high. You look and feel great. New avenues of opportunity open up. Everything is in your favor as you pursue your goals. New understandings in your personal life has you hoping for the best.

May 21 June 21
Dig beneath the surface for answers this October. As you do so, you come up with guidance to set you on a more secure path. Socially it’s a time to be out and about. The 23rd sees you exploring new horizons and venues.

June 22 – July 22
The Sun in Libra intuitively gives you clues involving your home around October 8th. Be confident that any changes you make will prove beneficial. Wait until month’s end to make any changes. Socially life is more playful. Love figures prominently.

July 23 – August 22
Your brilliant ideas are accented as you are out and about. Loves ones emerging from difficult situations are more tuned into your needs. Finally you may see the results you want in finance. The 20th focuses on a personal matter. A long held dream comes true.

August 23 – September 22
Don’t second guess your own judgement this month. The 15th sees you on the right track. Let others decide what they want but you keep to your own path. A mini vacation at month’s end does you good. Love surprises you.

September 23 – October 22
The early part of October you come up with a new plan. Financially stay away from situations that no longer serve you. Follow the sure and steady path. Wait until mid November to see uncertainties in your personal life change for the better.

October 23 – November 21
Whatever goals you’ve been trying to reach may become a reality now. Powerful people are ready to help you. The 16th progress is made in home related affairs. Halloween is a time to have fun with family and friends.

Nov. 22 – December 21
Don’t let others opinions hold you back. New opportunities take you where you need to go. Mid-month sees you completing a private matter. You will make all the right moves now. A promising \time greets you ahead. Agreements made now prove beneficial in the long term.

December 22 – January 20
Time to get out and about as you think carefully about a personal decision. The time is now to launch new plans and move ahead. New monetary constraints appear to lift and bring a bright and better future. Month’s end broaden your social circle.

January 21 – February 19
Your inner power is at an all time high. Now you are able to get by obstacles that have held you back. Jupiter moving forward now in your sign takes you to new success. Crucial questions are answered next month, meanwhile be patient. Wait and see.

February 20 – March 20
Now’s the time to put out feelers to associates that can help you. Streamline your goals about which ones you want to follow. The 24th sees you re-setting your compass. Be patient with others and wait for firm commitments. Travel highlighted at month’s end.