August 2019 Horoscope

ARIES March 21 – April 20 Your boundless energy returns and a feeling of a newfound wisdom on how to create and remain true to your inner vision even when faced with obstacles. It is also a month to slow down and catch up with yourself. Pay attention to details and your service to others. Love-wise be patient and kind.
TAURUS April 21 – May 21 This August you gain clarity about what you love and what makes you happy. You’ve been patient with yourself so new career opportunities arise. Your skill in communication will take you far. Mid-month spend more time with family and friends. This leads to a happy social life and a deep sense of contentment.
GEMINI May 22– June 21 This year you have been initiated into the depth of relationships. You’ve learned to trust and surrender to a higher power. Pluto moves forward again in your sign at month’s end. You will now find a deeper and more meaningful connection to your significant other. Work-wise your vision is more than a dream. It really is taking place.
CANCER June 22 – July 22 You know now where you true security and safety come from. If a parent, try to be the best parent you can be. With Saturn moving in Cancer you feel great self discipline and responsible for all your actions. Seeds that you planted six months ago come to fruition in your professional life.
LEO July 23 – August 22 This is your month to shine. You intuitively know when you are at your happiest as your heart is open. August 15th, the new Moon, sees you celebrating with friends. A memorable moment where you feel truly loved. Take time out to look at your financial commitments, you have big decision to make on how you wish to go forward
VIRGO August 23 – September 22 Now’s the time to cash in and reap what you have sewn over the years. After August 10th everything you touch seems to turn to gold. Become one with with your desires. It’s okay to focus on you now as Mars in your Sun sign encourages you to seek out new and better ways to be of service.
LIBRA September 23 – October 22 Now that Mercury has moved forward you are very clear what brings you happiness and what doesn’t. Looking around how you communicate one to one will be apparent either with loved ones or family and friends. August encourages you to seek a deeper connection that comes from having an open heart and trusting.
SCORPIO October 23 – November 21 You feel as if you are reborn. Time to come out of hiding and face the world. It’s been a time of healing for you. Mid-month you feel more in charge of your career. Good time to ask for a raise or promotion. You may get it. A good time to network socially.
SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21 It’s been a little challenging this year but you have developed certain skills and learned new techniques at work. With Pluto moving forward in your sign you are unstoppable and more at ease exerting your power. Re relationships your nature optimism and physiological nature helps you see the meaning and purpose in every encounter.
CAPRICORN December 22 – January 20 Venus enters into your relationship area on August 7th. Reserved by nature your relationships require you show your feelings and sensitivity now. You may feel uncomfortable at first to allow your softer side to surface as you nurture others and give yourself the same. The New Moon. the 15th, decide on which levels to go deeper with others be it love or financially.
AQUARIUS January 21 – February 19 The Sun in Leo has a lot of people pulling at your emotionally. Ask yourself what do you want out of a relationship. The 15th is a time to plant the seeds for that which you desire. Pull back from the world and meditate on who you are and only then will you figure out what you need from others. h.
PISCES February 20 – March 20 The spotlight has been on how you connect to others. If in a committed romantic relationship is what you desire, make a wish, the Universe hears you and bring this about because you deserve it. Married Pisceans reap the seeds that they have sewn over the last ten years. A deep knowingness always guides you.