April 2021 Horoscope

March 21– April 20

You are in a celebratory mood. The New Moon on the 11th leads you to a break in routine. You could use a change of scenery. You enjoy time away with loved ones. As signs of Spring are in the air you enter a very romantic phase. The 27th the Full Moon inspires you to make new career changes. The 19th sees you turning your back on the past, and moving forward. Now you are the leader you were always meant to be.

April 21– May 21

April is your most successful month. You feel good and lay the ground work before taking action. You are entering a whole new period when you are filled with fresh ideas and inspiration. Singles find love, and married ones enjoy marital bliss. Stay safe, stay home with family and small gatherings. Wear ‘green,’ to attract more prosperity, and to receive help from your angels.

May 22 – June 21
You are on a role this April. You will be exploring new opportunities and covering a lot of ground. It’s a good time to accomplish a lot. You will be filled with self confidence. You realize the great potential in you, and you will take the appropriate action in your career. This is met with great success. The 20th sees singles enjoying romance close to home. Family members are supportive.

June 22 – July 22
You are on display this April and display a lot of positive energy and charm. Act independent, be original. Whatever transpires in a love relationship or business partnership becomes a game changer. As a result your life takes a turns for the better. Do not delay a frank discussion April 27th, as this Full Moon is ‘lucky’ for you, and heralds a new money cycle. Family matters thrive.

July 23 – August 22
April is the time to solve things you have been bothered with for a long time. As you do so you align better with those around you. Use your great humor to solve a love dilemma. Whether working at home or in an office, you concentrate on your career. This period marks the biggest for you. Rely on the support of close friends that will stand by your side. They will not let you down.

August 23 -September 22
You are on the brink of something new that heralds a fresh start for you. It’s a time to increase the value of your personal property either renovating your present home or buying a new one. You are on a ‘roll.’ Jupiter the planet of good fortune boosts both your personal and business affairs with good news on the 23rd. During this time you will appreciate your family, friends, and people that are loyal to you.

September 23– October 22
It’s a harmonious time to purchase a big-ticket item by the 10th of April, the day before the new Moon. You’re sensing a new life style. You shine socially and work-wise you tap into your creative talents. The Full Moon April 27th sees you making sensible financial decisions that benefit you in the future. Pay off old bills. Mid-April onwards favors romance.

October 23– November 21
A time to be involved with accounting matters as your tax filing deadline looms. Work and home relationships are smooth and highlights progress in both these areas. Wise to keep a low profile April 27th, after the Full Moon on the 26th, as this highlights matters with difficult communications. Share you concerns with a trusted advisor.

November 22 – December 31
Time for a Spring fling! Welcome your stimulus check to buy a little downtime in a refreshing resort area that appeals to your psyche or head to your own Shangri-La. Work and career goals meet your expectations. The New Moon on April 11 presents opportunities for a great entrepreneurial pursuit. Time spent bonding with family members bring its own rewards.

December 22 – January 20
You hit the jackpot the first week of April with professional organizations who want to hear what you think and ask your advice. Your contributions could lead to an invite to head up a new business in the future. April 11th sees you finding new solutions to old problems. Singles find the chance to attract love, either someone new or one who lives long distance. The Full Moon April 27th is your luckiest day of the year.

January 21– February 19
Lots of positive changes ahead. You feel grateful for everything. You plan a long distance trip for the future. You make some good moves this April which will be helpful and supportive in situations that demand patience. In matters of love, you find happiness. Month’s end you will actively question if indeed you are on your right path. If not you will make the necessary adjustments.

February 20 – March 20
It’s a busy month with Cancer and Capricorn people play important roles in your life this April. Take time to rest as you have a lot on your mind as you deal with more than your work-load. The Full Moon known as the ‘pink,’ moon, April 27th, heralds the beginning of Spring and a very happy time for you both in your personal and business life.