March 2018 Horoscope

March 21 – April 20
You are ready for Spring and March is a turning point. You enter a new and busy cycle. Your life is working now as you have progressed spiritually. Two full moons have you feeling emotional. Do one caring thing to bring a loved one closer. Good news arrives on the home front, re your money situation.


April 21– May 21
New horizons beckon, you can afford to take a risk. Let others find their own pathway, you keep to yours. You need a fresh perspective! Take time out. You’ll find that you will begin to be creative again and pro-active rather than reactive. You’ll start to feel better. Get away even if it’s just for a weekend!


May 22– June 21
A great month to take advantage of career opportunities that might be financially rewarding. Your star is on the rise now. Pay more attention to your love life and friendships on the 23rd as they require close attention. March 20th heralds a new cycle. It’s a time to make your voice heard.


June 22 – July 22
One major decision to take care of this March then you can get on with your life. Time spent in reflection will help draw to you the perfect work. You can make it happen. Partners are more demanding the challenge is to stand your ground.



July 23 – August 22
Incredible changes in store for you. Wise to stay out of other’s conflicts and focus on your own plans. Tear down the old ways and embrace the new. Your dreams will come true. Your creativity and productivity are at an all time high. Month’s end sees you celebrating with family and friends.


August 23 – September 22
The full Moon on the 2nd in your birth sign sees you beginning a new personal cycle. Its time to renew close connections. The new moon the 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) will be a ‘special,’day for you. Financially delays are still possible. It takes until next month to see progress.


September 23 – October 22
Good communication is vital this cycle with co-workers and loved ones Make a special effort to listen to others and to arrive at a mutual understanding. Your hard work is noticed this month,. Now’s the time to ask for a raise. The 29th sees you getting your priorities straight.


October 23 – November 21
A wonderful time for you this March. Change your thinking and feelings to act more positive. Don’t hold back because of lack of perfection. What you seek in your life could potentially start materializing . Analyze and revise your plans, good things are about to happen.


November 22 – December 21
You’re a busy person this month trying to achieve many tasks. The vast majority of them turn out great. Your thinking is at an all time high and it is a very productive period for you. Changes on the home front the 17th take you in a new and happier direction.


December 22 – January 20
The sky’s the limit if you are prepared for transformation to take place. Accept it when it does. Meditation and prayer help you access the bounty of the Universe. Miracles are on the way. Keep your childlike faith. St. Patrick’s day is the highlight of the month.


January 21 – February 19
Time to draw on the Universe for strength. Use your ability to attract the things you want or need. Month’s end sees a new job or relationship, and for some thoughts of a move. Practice patience to get your new plans to fly. Late March travel is in the cards.


February 20 – March 20
A lot in store including a family celebration. Career-wise you’ve worked hard. You deserve to reward yourself. Choices loom, but take your time to make fresh promises. The new moon, the 17th, sees you deciding what you really want. Be adventurous and explore new worlds.