2024 Yearly Horoscope

Your personal and work life changes for the better. Your courageous attitude will face any challenge coming your way. April is your most creative month. Summer presents extra income for you. Your social life expands. Daily meditation takes care of any mental worries. Remain true to yourself. As you do so, you will achieve both personal and worldly success.

April 21– May 21
The stars favor you in a work situation. You make rapid progress. You feel optimistic. Success in your career bring positive results in your romantic life. Be patient as you work towards your goals. Summer sees you planning a trip and taking time off. In the Winter months take care of your physical and mental well-being.

May 22 – June 21
You have achieved a measure of success. Now the rewards of your hard work are evident. Jupiter enters your sign in May, it has a positive effect not only in your work but favors you in close relationships. Summer sees love at the forefront for singles. You meet someone special. Year’s end you embrace new technology as you achieve have a sense of mastery over your life.

June 22 – July 22

It’s your year, not only do you attract prosperity but love. Your ideas and right planning lead you to achieve your work goals. If seeking a new position, it finds you. Summer your love life brings much fulfilment. Singles attract someone with empathy. October sees you making right financial goals. December sees you on a new path to greater happiness and freedom.

July 23 – August 22
2024 is the year for singles to pop the question. January 27 supports career plans that have been on hold. They move forward. May 28 highlights your goals and friendships. Workwise you take on more responsibilities. You show your leadership abilities. The action you take now, will be recognized by VIP’s who favor you. You will be satisfied with the results of all your hard work.

August 23 -September 22
Your commitment to your personal and professional life pays off. Travel, higher education, and foreign affairs take place. Summer your analytical strengths sharpen. You are able to distinguish the truth of people’s intentions which benefit your love life. Success and money turn up mid-September. Year’s end your hard work will have paid off.

September 23– October 22
2024 brings positive news both in your career and personal life. Spring brings a renewed energy. You see advancement in your work situation. You express sincerity in all your personal relationships in the Summer. Loved ones are happy with you. Singles see positive changes, and a fresh start, for others, a potential soulmate turns up. Rely on your intuition in the Winter to achieve your heart’s desire.

October 23– November 21
A promising year. You enjoy it very much. You make progress in your work, finances, and personal life. You improve your health. You expect and get great results at work. Friends and family are a great support. Summer sees you relaxing and travelling. Singles contemplate taking the next step. Married Scorpions resolve old disagreements. Year’s end your confident and organized.

November 22 – December 21
It’s a great year for you and luck is on your side. You rise above the ordinary and take risks. This pays off. You have a boost of energy, and self-confidence. Spring sees you establishing new connections. Singles attract soulmates through shared interests and networking. A promising year as you influence others in your chosen field. You end 2024 full of peace and optimism.

December 22 – January 20
You take your life to a new high. You overcome barriers in the workplace. You focus on the purpose of your career and do well. Romantic relationships flourish. Open communication with a loved one results in a stronger bond. October new opportunities appear. You focus on your long-term career path. You balance your work and private life. December ‘singles,’ find true love.

January 21 – February 19
A year of significant changes and overcoming obstacles. Stand firm in your beliefs. Spring brings a romantic encounter. Summer sees challenging times solved by a positive outlook and fresh ideas to overcome difficulties. Summer sees you leaving behind part of your life that have not served your highest good. As a result, your vision changes, and all turns out well. The year ends on a positive note.

February 20 – March 20
You are laying the groundwork for implementing solutions to day-to-day problems. Your mind is open, you trust your intuition which opens your spiritual growth and awareness. You solve tough issues at work. Spring sees you having extra energy. Summer is a time for ‘singles,’ to attract a mate. Stay true to yourself and all will be well.